This page will help you get started with the Gaggle Mail API. You'll be up and running in a jiffy!
Gaggle Mail offers a modern, powerful Listserv replacement that is simple to use and, most importantly, reliable. If you're new to Gaggle Mail, you can create a group for free directly from our homepage to get a feel for it.
Our API lets you do everything you need to do to setup and run your group email discussion list, including:
- Create new groups
- Change the settings of your group
- Delete groups
- Add, update, and remove members
- View most recent messages
- Search for messages
- Send new message to your group
- Approve or reject message awaiting moderation
The API is available to any group on Gaggle Mail which has a paid subscription if you'd like to try the API while you're still trialing Gaggle Mail contact us.
Next, take a look at our Quick Start guide to get your API key and make your first API call!
Updated over 1 year ago
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